On June 18th, ALPA sent a letter requesting a conference with the Board to discuss the status of this case and to determine a path forward to secure an amended collective bargaining agreement for FedEx pilots. View that letter here.
On June 25th, the National Mediation Board (NMB) responded and set a date for that conference on August 21st, 2024. View that letter here.
For 50+ years, FedEx pilots helped build the Company by delivering exceptional and reliable service to its customers around the world. During the pandemic, when the world shut down, FedEx pilots delivered. We flew across an uncertain globe, exposing ourselves to unknown risks in order to keep the world economy intact and help FedEx achieve record profits. FedEx pilots met the demand needed to supply the world with lifesaving supplies, equipment, and vaccines while being exposed to risks that many were able to avoid.
Now, FedEx Pilots have been in prolonged negotiations with FedEx management since May 2021 including federal mediation with the National Mediation Board. During this time, airlines such as American, Delta, United, and, most recently, Southwest have made the right choice to invest in their pilot employees with solid contracts. FedEx is falling behind.
Despite FedEx claiming they simply can’t afford to pay its pilots what has now become industry standard, Company equity has been at a steady climb since the contract negotiations began. Make no mistake, these profits are built on the backs of FedEx pilots and other employees.
Days since contract amendable on November 1, 2021